Old Mutual Global Islamic Equity Feeder Fund

- The Old Mutual Global Islamic Equity Feeder Fund investment objective is to maximise total return for investors by primarily gaining exposure to the Old Mutual Global Islamic Equity Fund.
- This Fund offers investors exposure to a broad spectrum of Shari’ah compliant global equity securities.
- The Portfolio adheres to the standards of the Accounting and Auditing Organisation for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI) as interpreted by the Shari'ah Supervisory Board.
- Apart from assets in liquid form and exchange rate swaps, the fund only holds participatory interests in the Old Mutual Global Islamic Equity Fund which primarily consists of securities approved by the Shari'ah Supervisory Board.
- The minimum investment amounts are R10 000 lump sum or R500/month.
- The fund aims to offer exposure to a specific asset class. It holds a higher allocation to both international assets and equities than what is allowed in terms of Regulation 28 of the Pension Funds Act.
- This fund suits investors seeking long term capital growth in an ethical, diversified investment through exposure to Shari'ah compliant developed market equities.
- All impermissible income from this Fund is paid into a trust that is used directly to support social projects and uplift communities in need. We believe that this is at the forefront of impact and ESG investing
- Entities, Individuals and Minors can use this as a medium to long-term investment
- Upfront fee - maximum 3.45% including VAT (Once off fee)
- Annual Advisor Fee – maximum 1.15% including VAT
- Beneficiaries cannot be added
Click here to download Shariah Certificate
Click here to download latest Fund Fact Sheet
The following documentation is required to apply:
- South African bar-coded Identity Document/Smart ID
- Proof of address not older than 3 months, for the verification of your residential address
- Birth Certificate of minor or Smart ID for young adults age 16 and over
- South African bar-coded Identity Document/Smart ID and proof of address not older than 3 months of parent or guardian, for the verification of their residential address
To view your statement or invest with Old Mutual 24/7, clicking here
Click here to view all acceptable forms of proof of address required to open an account
With these on hand, you can then contact your nearest branch to apply, or complete the Contact Form on this page for our Sales Consultant to call you
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